Early detection home urine test for pets saves lives
Another great testimonial from Texas:
Your product just saved my cat’s life! Time for a refill.
C.D., Katy, TX
Another great testimonial from Texas:
Your product just saved my cat’s life! Time for a refill.
C.D., Katy, TX
We received another wonderful testimonial from our long-time customer who has a special needs cat called Miracle Pig. We are so pleased that ThePetCheckup is helping her keep Pig healthy.
“Pig recently tested positive for blood in her urine. A subsequent test at the vet showed some bacteria. We caught this infection early, thanks to ThePetCheckup. I couldn’t be more thankful!” S.M., East Haven, CT
Nice to hear! Just read an article that Willie Nelson contacted an OH senate committee to support their House Bill 14 which eliminates breed-specific language from their current dog ordinance.
He stated the current law discriminates against dogs who share certain physical characteristics by labeling them vicious ” with no regard to their individual behavior.”
The bill passed the House in the spring of 2011 and is now being considered by the Senate.
A returning customer sent a very nice testimonial this week:
“Miracle Pig is a handicapped cat who was hit by a car and paralyzed in 2006. But Pig’s handicap has not slowed her down. These days, she even has her own wheelchair! Pig is a healthy, happy cat, and your tests help me to make sure she stays that way. And I truly appreciate it!” S.M., East Haven, CT
There is now a new page on Facebook ~ Virtual Village Shelter~ where dogs and cats in Van Buren county, Iowa in need of homes will be posted. This will be a great help for these animals as there is no physical shelter in this county and it is difficult to get the word out.
The first dog has just been posted and he looks like a real sweetheart. He is young, friendly with people, dogs and cats and just needs to find his home.
I hope it is soon!!