A urinalysis test for pets checks for levels of specific chemicals in your pet’s urine.
Abnormal levels of certain chemicals can be a sign of specific illnesses.
To perform the test, you apply drops of your pet’s urine to a test strip and wait 30-60 seconds. The areas where you placed the urine will change color and an easy-to-read chart will let you know if there are abnormalities present.
This is an easy and inexpensive way to see if your animal is experiencing or potentially developing an illness in between veterinary visits as it can give indications of illness before there are any outward signs.
If your ThePetCheckup test indicates an imbalance your veterinarian will do further testing to give you a diagnosis. If detected early, 74.7% of common diseases in dogs and 63% of common diseases in cats can be prevented by dietary modifications alone over a one-year period.