Know your pet’s health baseline!

Knowing your pet’s health baseline is important in comparing home urine tests each month. recommends ThePetCheckup

ThePetCheckup is now endorsed by

TJ Dunn, DVM with 40 years experience oversees all the content on this site.  It is a great place for dog and cat owners to get information on their animal’s health.  Very content rich site.  Check it out!

“I’ve been practicing small animal medicine and surgery for forty years and when I saw what ThePetCheckup™ can do to help detect some common pet ailments I knew immediately that this home health detection kit was long overdue. For your peace of mind and your pet’s health, I recommend this easy, accurate and inexpensive way to check at home for early indicators of pet medical problems. This in-home health test kit for dogs and cats just may revolutionize pet health care awareness.”
— T. J. Dunn, Jr. DVM