Entries by Bev Allen

Test showed blood in dog’s urine

Another one of our customers called this week to thank us for ThePetCheckup. They were surprised to find that the test showed blood in their dog Emma’s urine. It was a moderate amount and after taking Emma to the vet, the diagnosis was a urinary tract infection. Because ThePetCheckup catches potential illnesses before symptoms appear, […]

Home pet health test kit scores high with Australian Department

About 10 days ago, we shipped ThePetCheckup kit to a customer in Australia. Although we have shipped to Australia many times, this package was held for 5 days by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. They sent a letter to our customer who explained to them what was in the kit (a home urine […]

Chloe has an ear infection

Chloe had her yearly veterinary exam last week…I brought her in a few months early as I suspected an ear infection–which she has. She was prescribed Mometamax–4 drops per day for the infection. Chloe is extremely difficult when it comes to giving any type of medication. I think the memory of her early years when […]

A step closer to closing down puppy mills

Best Friends Animal Society in Utah has been doing some great work with their campaign to close down puppy mills. I don’t know the numbers on how many have been closed down throughout the country this past year, but they state on their website that there is one closed almost every week. And eBay Foundation […]

When our pets have skin diseases

Skin problems are one of the imbalances that a pet home urine health test will not be directly helpful with, unfortunately. Usually the problem becomes apparent when the dog or cat is itching like crazy or developing bald spots or scabs somewhere on their body. My cat Oliver used to have some problems on his […]

The search for natural flea remedies continues: nematodes

As spring is potentially arriving (we are getting about an inch of snow or slush today!), I have been doing more research into natural flea remedies. There seems to be several new products out there. One is Nematodes..which are actually naturally occurring predators that live under the soil’s surface. They are not harmful to people […]

Big win for feral cats in Randolph, Iowa

There was some great news yesterday regarding the feral cat situation in Randolph, Iowa. There are so many amazing people working in animal rescue and I hope that those involved in this situation will take a moment to appreciate their great success in this town which is only about 2 hours from where I live. […]

Celebrating our bond with animals

I mentioned in a previous post last week (Vote for Roxsy!) about the photo contest that the Humane Society is having in honor of February Spay/Neuter month. The contest goes on until March 6th. Whenever I have a few minutes, I go on to the site (http://www.spaydayusa.org/) and read some of the descriptions written by […]

Senior Living facilities make pets mandatory

I read the neatest story about a senior living facility called Silverado Senior Living, which has locations throughout California, Texas and Utah. They care mostly for seniors with some type of dementia and attribute the health gains that they are seeing in the residents to their mandatory animal rule: The rule requires atleast 1 dog […]

Preventing Dog Urinary Tract Infections

There are some really basic things that every caregiver can do to help prevent canine urinary tract infections: ** provide plenty of fresh water and make sure that your dog is drinking enough every day **allow frequent access outside so that your dog can urinate and prevent bacteria from building up in the bladder **walk […]