Urine specific gravity reading dogs and cats
Specific gravity readings for cats and dogs can indicate potential health concerns your pet may have.
Specific gravity readings for cats and dogs can indicate potential health concerns your pet may have.
Dog’s home urine test results for specific gravity and pH show imbalances.
10 of the 22 dogs rescued from Michael Vick’s dog fighting ring are in loving homes now and more are working towards that goal.
Knowing your pet’s health baseline is important in comparing home urine tests each month.
ThePetCheckup is now endorsed by http://theanswervet.com/
TJ Dunn, DVM with 40 years experience oversees all the content on this site. It is a great place for dog and cat owners to get information on their animal’s health. Very content rich site. Check it out!
“I’ve been practicing small animal medicine and surgery for forty years and when I saw what ThePetCheckup™ can do to help detect some common pet ailments I knew immediately that this home health detection kit was long overdue. For your peace of mind and your pet’s health, I recommend this easy, accurate and inexpensive way to check at home for early indicators of pet medical problems. This in-home health test kit for dogs and cats just may revolutionize pet health care awareness.”
— T. J. Dunn, Jr. DVM
People ask us how difficult it is to test their dog or cat’s urine at home and are genuinely surprised at how easy it is.
Really there are just 3 basic steps:
1. Collecting a urine sample
2. Putting a drop of urine on each of the test pads
3. Reading and recording the results
We explain each step and the whole process takes just 5 minutes. You will feel like a pro after your first test.
Direct from our manufacturer of ThePetCheckup test strips on the subject of false negatives/false positives:
We put every lot of ThePetCheckup strips through a strenuous quality control process that includes a multi-level system of quality testing using special urinalysis controls that show negative, low positive, and high positive results. This testing is specifically designed to ensure that only the highest quality products are released into the market for animal testing. Each lot of ThePetCheckup has been tested and passed a quality control process specifically meant to ensure that false negatives/positives are not encountered during use. On top of the intense quality testing process, each individual test is packaged with its own desiccant in order to ensure that the product lasts throughout the entire shelf life and is unaltered when the end user opens the pouch and uses the test.
A urinalysis test for pets checks for levels of specific chemicals in your pet’s urine.
Abnormal levels of certain chemicals can be a sign of specific illnesses.
To perform the test, you apply drops of your pet’s urine to a test strip and wait 30-60 seconds. The areas where you placed the urine will change color and an easy-to-read chart will let you know if there are abnormalities present.
This is an easy and inexpensive way to see if your animal is experiencing or potentially developing an illness in between veterinary visits as it can give indications of illness before there are any outward signs.
If your ThePetCheckup test indicates an imbalance your veterinarian will do further testing to give you a diagnosis. If detected early, 74.7% of common diseases in dogs and 63% of common diseases in cats can be prevented by dietary modifications alone over a one-year period.
Our veterinary advisors have all agreed that testing your animals once per month (in addition to routine veterinary care) at about the same time of day is best.
If the test shows an imbalance, retest the animal within 48 hours. If you still find an imbalance, we recommend that you consult your veterinarian.
Trace imbalances should be recorded in the Results Chart and watched over time to see if there are any changes. As explained in the booklet, some trace results such as blood or glucose require immediate attention as it is not normal to have either spilling into your pet’s urine.
Remember the TV show Emergency Vets? It was on several years ago and I was a big fan.
One of the veterinarians, Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald had some good advice recently regarding all medications that you keep in your home. He said to make sure everything is clearly labelled in case your dog gets into the meds somehow and has a snack. That way, the veterinarian will know just what your pet has eaten.
It saves a lot of time and will let your vet know if a remedy is needed to counteract possible side effects.
Of course the best thing is to make sure they are out of reach, but accidents happen and I thought that was good advice.